Isolation Pads & Levelers
Acorn™ stocks a wide variety of isolation pads and levelers and provides coordination and field application assistance utilizing professional engineering experience to ensure proper isolation systems.

Contact Acorn™ for a complete catalog on isolation pads and levelers.

Click on the links below to navigate down the page:
Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers
Wedgmount® Precision Levelers
BiLoc® Isolation / Dampening Pads
AirLoc® Isolation / Dampening Pad Packs


Jackmount Adjustable Levelers

AirLoc Jackmounts

AirLoc® Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers
AirLoc Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers are characterised by their simple and effective construction. Continuous inspection of the raw materials by our in-house laboratory and our own production facilities ensure the highest possible quality without sacrificing cost-efficiency. A broad range of productsmakes it easy to select the elements to suit your needs and helps you keep costs down without having to compromise quality.
AirLoc® Isolation Pads & Levelers PDF

AirLoc GLV
AirLoc Jacmount®
Model GLV
AirLoc® Jacmount® Models GLV / GLR
The economical, tried and proven AirLoc GLV and GLR Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers are deployed when dependable vibration and impact sound isolation is required formachines that have suitable fastening holes in themachine foot. Themounting sink for the leveling screw is shaped so that ground unevenness is leveled.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Jacmount® PDF
AirLoc PR
AirLoc Jacmount®
Model PR
AirLoc® Jacmount® Model PR
The PR series of AirLoc Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers are made of reinforced thermoplastic. They are excellently suited to
light machinery and applications requiring a high level of cost-efficiency. The studs of the PR levelers are quicklymounted and permanently anchored in the leveler, yet so flexible that ground unevenness up to 4° can be balanced. The damping pads can be individually selected to meet your requirements.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Jacmount® PDF
AirLoc PRP
AirLoc Jacmount®
Model PRP
AirLoc® Jacmount® Model PRP
PRP levelers are excellently suited for quick and precisemachine setups. The selected AirLoc types cover a broad range of machine setups. The special construction of the pressure plate makes it possible to compensate ground unevenness of up to 4° while ensuring outstanding horizontal stability.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Jacmount® PDF

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Wedgmount Precision Levelers

AirLoc Wedgemount

AirLoc® Wedgmount® Precision Levelers
AirLoc offers the world’s largest selection of Wedgmount® Precision Levelers. The large, even surface ensures optimal support of the machine bed. Heavy loads of up to 100 t per Wedgmount® Precision Leveler can be quickly aligned to within of 1/100 mm accuracy using little force. This shortens the setup time of a machine considerably.
AirLoc® Isolation Pads & Levelers PDF

AirLoc VRC Free Standing
AirLoc Wedgmount®
Model VRC
Free Standing
AirLoc® Wedgemount® Model VRC - Free Standing
AirLoc precisionWedgmount® Precision Levelers with patented spring tensioning of top and bottompart achieve a unique lateral and longitudinal stability. Fast and easy adjustment to within 1/100 mm accuracy is possible with full machine load. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Wedgemount® PDF
AirLoc VRC Bolt OnAirLoc Wedgmount®
Model VRC
Bolt On

AirLoc® Wedgemount® Model VRC - Bolt On
AirLoc bolt-on precision Wedgmount® Precision Levelers with patented spring tensioning of top and bottom part. The Wedgmount® Precision Leveler is bolted permanently onto themachine, but it canmove freely on the ground and is set up with vibration isolation. The 2000 series permits bolting on centrically. The milled surface and the fast and easy adjustment to within 1/100mmaccuracymake yourmachinery flexible and cost-efficient. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Wedgemount® PDF

AirLoc KSC RigidAirLoc Wedgmount®
Model KSC
Rigid Clamp

AirLoc® Wedgemount® Model KSC - Rigid Clamp
AirLoc rigid clamp precisionWedgmount® Precision Levelers with patented spring tensioning of top and bottompart. The best choice when machines do not require vibration isolation and have to be connected to the ground or foundation prestressed. The milled surface and the fast and precise adjustment towithin 1/100mmaccuracymake the high-precision setup of your machinery easy and economical. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.
For additional information on this model, and for information on additional models, download AirLoc® Wedgemount® PDF

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BiLoc Isolation / Dampening Pads

BiLoc Pads

BiLoc® Pads (Isolation)
• 400 Series / 40 - 45, Shore A
• Thickness 1/4" - 1.0"
• Load 14.5 - 145 psi

AirLoc® Pads (Dampening) AirLoc® Pads (Dampening)
• 700 Series / 70 - 75, Shore A
• Thickness 1/4" - 1.0"
• Load 73 - 290 psi
AirLoc® Pads (High Loading)

AirLoc® Pads (High Loading)
• 900 Series / 90 - 95, Shore A
• Thickness 1/8" - 1.0"
• Load 109 - 580 psi

AirLoc® Pads

AirLoc® Pads
• Vinyl, Cork, Fiber
• Thickness 1/16" - 1.0"
• Load 14.5 - 580 psi
• Available in the following types: 4.17.4, 4.17.5, 4.17.0, 32, SA-W1, 4.16.6)

AirLoc Vibration Isolation Pads PDF

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BiLoc Isolation / Dampening Pads

Pad Pack

Neoprene 40A Pad Pack (2"x2")
by AirLoc®
• 40A Durometer Neoprene
• Height 11/16"
• Size 2" x 2"
• Capacity Range 250 to 1000 Lb.
• Profile Design

Pad Pack

Neoprene 40A Pad Pack (4"x4")
by AirLoc®
• 40A Durometer Neoprene
• Height 11/16 In
• Size 4" x 4"
• Capacity Range 1000 to 2500 Lb.
• Profile Design

Pad Pack Neoprene 90A Pad Pack (4"x4")
by AirLoc®
• 90A Durometer Neoprene
• Height 3/4"
• Size 4" x 4"
• Capacity Range 8500 to 20000 Lb.
• Flat Design
Pad Pack

Neoprene 90A Pad Pack (6"x6")
by AirLoc®
• 90A Durometer Neoprene
• Height 3/4"
• Size 6" x 6"
• Capacity Range 20000 to 35000 Lb.
• Flat Design

Pad Pack

Nitrile 72A Pad Pack (2"x2")
by AirLoc®
• 72A Durometer Nitrile
• Height 3/4"
• Size 2" x 2"
• Capacity Range 800 to 3500 Lb.
• Diamond Design

Pad Pack

Nitrile 72A Pad Pack (4"x4")
by AirLoc®
• 72A Durometer Nitrile
• Height 3/4"
• Size 4" x 4"
• Capacity Range 3500 to 8000 Lb.
• Diamond Design

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AirLoc® Products

Jacmount® Adjustable Levelers
• Model GLV / GLR
• Model PR
• Model PRP

Wedgmount® Precision Levelers
• Model VRC - Free Standing
• Model VRC - Bolt On
• Model KSC - Rigid Clamp

BiLoc® Isolation / Dampening Pads
• 400 Series - Isolation
• 700 Series - Dampening
• 900 Series - High Loading
• Vinyl, Cork, Fiber Pads

Isolation / Dampening Pad Packs
• Neoprene 40A (2"x2")
• Neoprene 40A (4"x4")
• Neoprene 90A (4"x4")
• Neoprene 90A (6"x6")
• Nitrile 72A (2"x2")
• Nitrile 72A (4"x4")

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